42nd Medical Group

Mission Statement: Ready Medics Maximizing Wellness

Vision: Provide Premier Health Care Experience through a Competent, Confident, Caring Force

Motto: Trusted Care Guardians

The 42d Medical Group supports Air University, 42d Air Base Wing, 908th Airlift Wing, and tenant units at Maxwell Air Force Base and Gunter Annex. The Group is comprised of two squadrons: the 42d Operational Medical Readiness Squadron and the 42d Health Care Operations Squadron.

The 42d Medical Group is accredited by The Joint Commission under the Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation Program. The 42d Health Care Operation’s Squadron Laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists.

The 42d Medical Group is comprised of the 42d Medical Group staff which includes the Medical Group Commander, Superintendent, Chief of Medical Staff, Chief Nurse, Chief of Aerospace Medicine, Quality, Patient Safety, Group Practice Manager, Medical Management and Medical Readiness.

The 42d Operational Medical Readiness Squadron is comprised of Flight Medicine, Trainee Health, Warfighter Care Team (Active Duty clinic), Base Operational Medicine, Dental, Optometry, Public Health, Health Promotions, Bioenvironmental Engineering, and Mental Health.

The 42d Health Care Operations Squadron is comprised of Family Health, Behavioral Health, Pediatrics, Immunizations, Women’s Health, Educational and Developmental Intervention Services, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Clinic, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Radiology, Medical Logistics, TRICARE Operations and Patient Administration, Resource Management Office, and Information Systems.

Facility hours: Monday-Friday, 0700-1630.  The facility is closed every 3rd Thursday each month for readiness training and AETC Family Days, except Active Duty sick-call from 0700-0800.  The facility is closed for all federal holidays.

COVID Clinic Hours of Operation:  COVID drive-through testing is available from 0710–0900 by appointment only; the only authorized users of the COVID testing line are enrolled beneficiaries of the 42d MDG and Mission Essential personnel. There will be no medical assessments performed and no medication dispensed.  If a patient requires additional medical care:  Symptomatic Active Duty patients can go to 42d MDG Sick Call or make an appointment with their PCM; Symptomatic Non-Active Duty patients can make an appointment with their PCM in the clinic they normally receive care; and severely ill patients need to report to the nearest emergency room.

Considerations for who should get tested for COVID-19: People who have symptoms of COVID-19 and people who have been asked or referred to get testing by the 42d MDG Public Health office.

Appointments: To schedule an appointment call (334) 953-3368 during normal business hours.

After Hours Care: Call the Nurse Advice Line for after-hours care: (1-800)-TRICARE.  Active duty members require a referral to be seen at an Urgent Care. NON-ACTIVE DUTY TRICARE PRIME beneficiaries can use urgent care without a referral.

Emergency Care: Patients with an emergency should seek care at the nearest Emergency Room or call 9-1-1. The 42d Medical Group does not have an Emergency Department.  Emergency care can be treated at Baptist Medical Center East, Baptist Medical Center South, Jackson Hospital, Prattville Baptist Hospital, or Elmore Community Hospital.  TRICARE views an emergency as a medical, maternity or psychiatric condition you believe could threaten your life, limb or sight without immediate attention. Other emergencies include severe, painful symptoms requiring immediate attention, or when a person may be an immediate risk to self or others. You do not need authorization for emergency care before receiving treatment. However, if you are enrolled in TRICARE Prime you must contact your primary care manager within 24 hours or the next business day after you receive emergency care.


Phone: (334) 953-6868; for refills call (334)-212-5529

Please allow for up to 48-72 hours to process

Pharmacy Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. M-F

  • Closed every 3rd Thursday for Readiness Training, Federal Holidays & AU/Wing Down Days

Maxwell Exchange Refill Kiosk (food court of exchange) – Open anytime the Exchange is open.

Gunter Annex Refill Kiosk (Bldg. 833) – Open anytime the AAFES Shoppette is open.

Pharmacy Information:

  • Refills can be requested via phone at 334-212-5529.  Have your prescription bottle and prescription number handy and follow the instructions on the phone line! 
  • If there are any technical difficulties with calling your refills, send the Maxwell Pharmacy Clinic a message via the MHS Genesis Patient Portal or give the pharmacy a call at 334-953-6868 and we'd be happy to assist you. 
  • Activate your prescriptions BEFORE you come to the pharmacy and decrease your WAIT times
    • Call us at (334) 953-6868
  • All prescriptions must be activated prior to be being processed.

MHS GENESIS Prescription Refills are Here!

Through your MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, you’ll be able to:

  • See all your prescriptions that are to be refilled.
  • Choose which ones you want refilled.
  • Choose where you want to pick up the refill.
  • See when your prescriptions are ready to be picked up.
  • Applies only to existing prescriptions that can be refilled after you have completed 75% of the previous fill. Your prescriptions won’t be eligible for refill before that time.
  • You can use the MHS GENESIS secure messaging feature to request renewals or activate new prescriptions. · For more information, visit www.tricare.mil/MHSGENESISRxRefills

Tips to avoiding any potential long lines at the pharmacy: 

  • Have your doctor send your prescriptions to us electronically at DoD Maxwell EPHCY and activate ahead of time! 
  • Activate your prescriptions ahead of time by one of the options listed before
  • Avoid Peak hours of 1030 to 1330
  • Avoid Friday’s or days after a pharmacy closure (example:  Federal Holiday, 3rd Thursday etc.) 
  • Utilize the Script Center for your Refills
  • Call in your refills ahead of time and plan in advance! 

Drug Take Back Options:

If you need to dispose of any expired or unused medications, you can: Drop them in our secure receptacle located within the Maxwell Clinic. 

Questions, concerns, feedback?  Please give the pharmacy a call at 334-953-6868 or send us a message on your MHS Genesis Patient Portal!  We value your feedback! 


To schedule a Dental Exam please call the front desk at (334) 953-7822 during normal business hours.

Dental Sick Call: Patients must arrive between 0700-0730 Mon-Fri

After hours and weekend emergencies/concerns please call the Dentist on Duty at (334) 530-9037.  Only urgent/emergent needs will be addressed, please do not call about orders, exams, or paperwork. 

For more information on the 42d Medical Group, visit our web site at https://maxwell.tricare.mil/

If you are interested in a healthcare career in the United States Air Force, visit https://www.airforce.com/careers/browse-careers/health-medicine

You can also join us online at www.facebook.com/42mdg or www.x.com/42mdg