
Excellence In All We Do: Staff Sgt. Danielle Hawk

Excellence In All We Do: Staff Sgt. Danielle Hawk

Staff Sgt. Danielle Hawk, noncommissioned officer in charge, executive assistant for the Officer Training School commandant, was named the recipient of the Group Chief's Choice Award winner of the month of February. Hawk was selected by her peers to fill the position in the command section and she also serves as her unit's booster club president. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Alexa Culbert)


Staff Sgt. Danielle Hawk is the noncommissioned officer in charge, executive assistant for the commandant of the Officer Training School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.

Before taking on that position she was the NCOIC of separations. In this role, she processed over 330 OTS students through the first DD214 self-service digital separations process and saved hundreds of man hours and eliminated the opportunity for record errors. It was her performance in this position which prompted her peers to select her to move to the command section.

On her personal time, Hawk also served as the Booster Club president, serving 1,200 personnel and organized and led 89 volunteers for an annual holiday party.

And it was because of her performance as an Airmen, that she was chosen as the Group Chief’s Award Winner of February.

Air University Public Affairs: What were your thoughts when you heard you were chosen for the command section position?

 Hawk: I was a little surprised, excited though, because we have some really sharp people so I was a little surprised when they said, ‘we specifically want you.’ it was definitely made me feel better about myself. It kind of validated what I do. I was excited, because I worked at a command section at my last base and I really enjoyed that experience, but it was squadron level so I was excited to come over and learn more about OTS administratively behind the scenes than just working the personnel side of it. I’m pretty excited that I’m getting to learn as much as I am.

 AU PA: What drives you to be such an active volunteer?

Hawk: I just personally enjoy it; it’s something I’ve always enjoyed doing. Growing up we volunteered with our church and things and in school I was in student council. I just like helping others; people are my business. I really enjoy helping people and taking care of people, that’s just my heart. I hate seeing people lacking or suffering so if there is something I can do, which there might not be, but if I can, I want to. I just think if I was in their shoes, I’d want someone to help me out, so I try to live that way

 AUPA: Why do you strive to excel both professionally and personally?

Hawk: Growing up, my dad always said, ‘if your name is on it, give the best product you can,’ and that for some reason always stuck with me. I will come and go, I will leave and PCS, but knowing that something I did could leave a lasting impact on at least one person, even if it makes their day a little bit better, matters to me. I’ve had a lot of really influential people in my life and to them it didn’t seem like they were doing that much, but they made huge impacts and I want to do that for people, bother personally and professionally. My name is on it so I want to do my best.