Air University releases summer’s ‘Strategic Studies Quarterly’

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  • Air University Public Affairs

Air University Press announces the release of the summer 2018 edition of “Strategic Studies Quarterly,” an Air Force-sponsored strategic forum on national and international security. 


Lieutenant Col. Garry Floyd Jr. from the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence wrote the feature article: Attribution and Operational Art: Implications for Competing in Time.  It creates a model for cyber attribution, analyzing the risks and opportunities of an attribution advantage. 


SSQ Policy Forum offers opinions on the National Defense Strategy and the Nuclear Posture Review. Readers will also find more articles on the president’s military strategy, geoengineering and space arms control.


SSQ is the peer-reviewed strategic journal of the Air Force, fostering intellectual enrichment for national and international security professionals. It provides a forum for critically examining, informing and debating national and international security matters. 


Contributions to SSQ explore strategic issues of current and continuing interest to the Air Force, the larger defense community and international partners. 


Visit to read the full edition and to learn how to become a contributor.