Department of the Air Force releases Support of Military Families Report

  • Published
  • Air University Public Affairs

Over the past two years, The Department of the Air Force collaborated with policy professionals and subject matter experts to develop quantitative criteria and analytic frameworks to assess states’ support of military families.  Specifically, they assessed licensure portability and pre-kindergarten through twelfth (PK-12) grade public education.  Last week, the Department released the Support of Military Families reports for 154 Air Force installations, including Maxwell Air Force Base.

The assessments for each installation are available at in the “Support to Families” tab on the right side of the page.  Background information on how the reports were compiled can also be found at the same website. 

Quality education opportunities for dependents and the ability of spouses to sustain careers are important decision points for military member retention.  The information has been provided to community leaders so they are aware of how their community’s support is assessed in two key area that are important to our military members.  In addition, this information will now be included as evaluation criteria for future strategic basing decisions.

Upon release of the reports, Maxwell Installation Commander Col. Patrick Carley stated, “We have a great partnership with our local and state officials that can make positive changes for military members and their families in the River Region.  Together, we have made improvements over the recent years.  However, more is needed on both licensure reciprocity and PK-12 school improvements.”

Recognizing that state and local communities will continue to improve their support for our military members, The Department of the Air Force plans to update the assessment annually.  This allows the reports to be responsive and evolve as communities strive forward.