Your ride arriving now: Maxwell AFB strikes agreement with Uber

  • Published
  • By 42d Air Base Wing, Public Affairs
  • 42d Air Base Wing

 Base officials announced today that they have reached an agreement with the ride-share service, Uber, to operate on base at Maxwell Air Force Base and at Gunter Annex.

Anyone with access to either installation now has the option to use the ride-hailing app to request a ride, and drivers who have already passed rigorous security vetting for base access will be able to answer the call.

"We are thrilled to partner with this ride-hailing service to bring convenience and innovative services to our base community," said Col. Shamekia Toliver, 42d Air Base Wing commander. "This agreement demonstrates our commitment to enhancing the quality-of-life for everyone who lives and works at Maxwell and Gunter."

The partnership is the result of a collaborative effort between base officials and Uber.

"This took a lot of effort and coordination with the ride-share officials," said Maj. Brent Luch, 42d Security Forces Squadron commander. "Our team worked tirelessly to enable access to the base, and we are excited to see the positive impact it will have on our community."

The service is expected to be especially beneficial for members who are on temporary duty (TDY) without rental cars.

Base officials anticipate announcing the expansion of other ride-share and delivery services in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who is eligible to use Uber ride-sharing services at Maxwell Air Force Base?

A: Anyone who is authorized to be on base at Maxwell and Gunter is eligible to use Uber ride-sharing services at Maxwell Air Force Base.

Q: How do Uber drivers get authorized to access the base?

A: Uber drivers must be pre-vetted at the Visitor Control Center operated by the 42nd Security Forces Squadron and issued a Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) credential to access the base for the sole purpose of picking up or dropping off members who are authorized to be on Maxwell and Gunter.

Q: What is the process for selecting an Uber driver authorized to access the base?

A: Once a DOD member requests transportation to or from the installation, only DBIDS-credentialed Uber drivers will receive the call for service based on Uber's geo-tracking capabilities.

Q: Can I use the Trusted Traveler Program to access the base with an Uber driver?

A: No, the Trusted Traveler Program is not authorized for use with the Uber ride-share program.

Q: What are the requirements for passengers in an Uber vehicle to access the base?

A: All passengers in the vehicle must be in possession of a valid DOD credential to access the installation.

Q: Will the number of authorized Uber drivers increase over time?

A: The future expansion of this service will depend in large part on the amount of usage the program receives.

Q: Are there any limitations to using Uber ride-sharing services at Maxwell Air Force Base?

A: Yes, the number of Uber drivers with DBIDS access credentials may be limited in the early stages of program implementation, but this is expected to grow over time. However, the growth of the program will depend on how many personnel take advantage of it.

Q: I’m a dependent can I use the service to access the base?

A. Yes, dependents can use Uber for rides to and from the base. All personnel who are authorized to be on base can solicit rides using the Uber app.

Q: Are there any other taxi companies in Montgomery with base access?

A: Yes, we have 4 different taxi companies that have base access: Checker Deluxe Cab, King’s Airport Shuttle, On Time Taxi, and Triple A Taxi.


Editor’s note: References to non-federal entities do not constitute or imply Department of Defense or U.S. Air Force endorsement of any company or organization.