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Maxwell AFB News

  • AFIT Staff Member Receives 2023 STEM Outreach Award

    Michael Hill, a staff member at the Air Force Institute of Technology received the 2023 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Outreach Award. Hill serves as the laboratory division chief in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department within AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and

  • AFIT Explores Collaborations with CMU-Africa

    Air Force Institute of Technology professor Dr. Aihua Wood traveled to Kigali, Rwanda in September to explore collaboration opportunities with Carnegie Mellon University-Africa.

  • AFIT Faculty Receive AFA Sponsored Awards

    During a virtual ceremony on Feb. 25, four Air Force Institute of Technology faculty members received awards sponsored by the Wright Memorial Chapter 212 of the Air Force Association.

  • Astronautical Engineering Student Wins “Best Professional Paper” Award

    The Air Force Institute of Technology’s Master’s of Science in Astronautical Engineering civilian student, Mr. Nathan Boone was chosen as the 2021 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics “Survivability Best Professional Paper” award recipient. The AIAA Forum and Exposition is the largest

  • AFIT awards 236 master’s, doctorate STEM degrees

    During the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management graduation ceremony March 25, history was made as this year’s class included Guardians of the U.S. Space Force.A total of 230 master’s and six doctorate degrees were awarded in the science, technology,

  • Graduate School selects first permanent senior military faculty member

    Lt. Col.  James Rutledge, Ph.D., P.E. is AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management’s first permanent senior military faculty member.  In this role, he can remain in the position as an active duty lieutenant colonel until he separates, retires, or makes full colonel.  “This is the best