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Tag: nuclear deterrence
  • SANDS finds a new home at Air University

    The School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies recently relocated from Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, to Air University’s Air Command and Staff College. SANDS is the Air Force’s premier program on strategic deterrence. The student body consists of tactical nuclear experts from the Air Force, joint and civilian service as well as coalition partners. “The purpose of SANDS is to build a core of Deterrence Operations experts who will serve as key leaders, advocates, and advisors to war fighting commanders,” said Dr. Melvin Deaile, director of SANDS. “They will have direct input and advise key leaders on deterrence options as it deals with national defense.”
  • Air Force Fiscal Year 2019 budget addresses great power competition

    The Air Force budget request of $156.3 billion for fiscal year 2019 builds on the progress made in 2018 to restore the readiness of the force, increase lethality, and cost-effectively modernize.