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Maxwell AFB News

  • Registration open for Air University’s 4th LREC Symposium

    Registration is now open for Air University’s 4th annual Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Symposium.The Air Force Culture and Language Center at Air University hosts this symposium each year providing a platform for academic exchange on topics specific to language, region and culture

  • Air University hosts education summit

    Air University hosted its first K-12 Education Summit Jan. 9, 2019, in order to start a dialogue about enhancing and improving the educational opportunities available to students throughout the River Region.

  • Remembering American and Allied Veterans

    This coming weekend, millions of Americans are planning for take a long three-day weekend.  Some will travel to friends and relatives.  Others will have socials for friends and relatives at their homes. Whatever American do, they should remember why they have this holiday:  to honor the millions of