Air University emphasizes standards in memo to commanders

  • Published
  • Air University Public Affairs

Lt. Gen. Andrea Tullos, Air University commander and president, set her expectations of standards for personnel attending AU courses in a memorandum to Air Force commanders, June 1, 2023.

The memo, entitled “Air University Standards for Participation in Formal Education and Training,” states that students should meet all course requirements, joint service requirements where applicable, and meet service standards for fitness and dress and appearance prior to arriving at their designated course. Waiver authority for accepting or retaining personnel falls to the applicable school’s commander or commandant.

“My intent is: Develop every officer, enlisted and civilian student sent to us by the commanders in the field,” Tullos said. “This memo merely stresses the importance of standards and opens the lines of communication, so students and commanders know what we expect and who to contact to discuss individual circumstances.”

Throughout the AU enterprise, schools and centers are taking deliberate actions to infuse human performance optimization into their training and education programs. All personnel will be subject to a mock Physical Fitness Assessment upon arrival to the school so both students and cadets have this initial and prioritize physical health from the onset. This will apply to 10 month and longer programs as well as other select courses throughout AU.

In cases where students fall out of standards while attending an AU program, the memo states that commanders have the authority to ensure individuals meet standards prior to graduation and a permanent change of station, including the authority to place personnel on a control roster until standards are met.

“I am proud of the Air University students we train and educate every day,” Tullos said. “We produce exceptional leaders for combatant commanders and our Air Force. This has and will always require adherence to standards and a strong foundation of good order and discipline.”

Read the Air University Standards memo (1 June 2023)

Specific course requirements are outlined in the AU course catalog: