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Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University’s yearlong schools open with in-residence teaching

    Air University’s yearlong schools have started the new academic year with students attending classes in person.The School of Advanced Air and Space Studies started teaching on July 7, Air War College opened its doors to students July 21 and Air Command and Staff College classes start Aug 10.Air

  • Blue Horizons fellows meet star, producer of documentary

    Fellows of Air University’s Blue Horizons program took a break from the classroom and visited the Alabama Department of Archives and History August 2, 2019, in Montgomery, Alabama, to watch a documentary and were afforded the opportunity to meet both the star and producer of the film. Blue Horizons

  • CSAF shares insight, expectations with AU students, faculty

    Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein visited the main Air University campus Aug. 7, 2019, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.The purpose of his visit was to address the students of Air War College and Air Command Staff College as they begin their academic year, as well as speaking with

  • SecAF, CSAF visit AU for 66th annual National Security Forum

    The NSF is designed to inform community influencers on Air University and the Air Force’s current and future objectives as well as plans for enhancing national security, and is hosted by Air War College on behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force.