April 16, 2024 AFIT Welcomes New Dean for Research The Air Force Institute of Technology welcomes Dr. Scott Graham as the new dean for research leading the Office of Research and Outreach. He is currently a professor of computer engineering in AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management.
April 16, 2024 AFIT commencement ceremony celebrates 206 graduates The Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management held a commencement ceremony at the National Museum of the Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio March 21 to celebrate 206 new graduates.
April 4, 2024 AFIT Education Programs Advance the Digital Workforce Air Force Institute of Technology faculty participated in the Digital Dayton Roundtable at the University of Dayton Research Institute Curran Place on 4 March. The event focus was “Creating the Digital Materiel Management Workforce We Need: A Digital Transformation Office, Air Force Materiel Command
Feb. 26, 2024 Enhancing Civil Engineer Readiness Through Proactive Education The Air Force Institute of Technology's Civil Engineer School completed the inaugural offering of the Engineer Readiness Planning Seminar on 19 January. The four-day course is designed to provide tactical civil engineer leaders with the skills and knowledge to plan and execute team readiness events
Nov. 17, 2023 USAFA Enlisted Faculty Members Visit AFIT The Air Force Institute of Technology hosted three enlisted faculty members from the United States Air Force Academy on 17 October. The goal of the visit was to educate current AFIT enlisted master’s students about opportunities to teach at the Academy.
Nov. 17, 2023 One Lieutenant’s Journey from USAFA to Miss Colorado to Harvard From a young age, U.S. Air Force 2nd Lt. Madison Marsh had a love of science and a dream to be a pilot and astronaut. Her parents encouraged her dreams, sending her to Space Camp when she was 13 years old where she met astronauts and fighter pilots. Around that time, she learned about the United
Nov. 9, 2023 Dollars to Pounds: AFIT CE Cost Estimating Across the Pond The 48th Civil Engineer Squadron at RAF Lakenheath, England hosted the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Civil Engineer School October 9 - 20 for an on-site offering of the Life Cycle Cost Estimating course (WENG 400) funded by the Air Force Civil Engineer Center.
Nov. 6, 2023 AFIT Explores Collaborations with CMU-Africa Air Force Institute of Technology professor Dr. Aihua Wood traveled to Kigali, Rwanda in September to explore collaboration opportunities with Carnegie Mellon University-Africa.